Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Pics of Arnold's Baby Mama

First pics of Arnold's other woman.  So by now, you've all heard that Arnold Schwarznegger has admitted to fathering a child with one of his longtime household staffers 10 years ago.  That's right.  Before he even started his 7 year run as the Govenor of California.  Arnold has been supporting the child and mother from the very beginning she worked as a housekeeper for the family and retired this past January after 20 years of service.  Click on over to RadarOnline  for the whole story.

Rumour also has it that Maria Shriver found out that Arnold was going public about the child while out to dinner with Oprah while she was in Chicago as Maria will be appearing as one of the Big O's last guests.  There was a heated phone call right at the table and then Maria left abruptly.  

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