Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lindsay Heads To Court

Lindsay Lohan headed to court Good Friday and there was some good news and then bad news followed by some expected news.  Good news, her charge was downgraded from a felony to a misdemeanor.  Bad news, the judge ruled that Lindsay had violated her probation and sentenced her to 120 days in jail and 480 hours of community service 360 hours of which have to be served at a women's shelter and the remaining 120 hours performing janitorial work at the L.A. county morgue.

Judge Sautner explained that Lindsay should have called the store and notified the owners about the necklace sooner.  She waited several weeks and returned the necklace after finding out the cops were about to raid her house.

Sautner seemed influenced by the surveillance video, which she saw for the first time in court today.  Sautner agreed with Danette Myers, who argued Lindsay used her friend Patrick as a decoy to distract the clerk.

Lindsay was bailed out after spending five hours in jail which, is customary as her lawyer has filed an appeal.

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